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Woman and fashion have a tight relation. Woman needs fashion and fashion needs woman.. "When you start to bloom you will need to groom." Shoppagalz presents to you all the needs that galz want. Apparels, accessories, body cares from day to night, summer to winter, formal to sexy and many other items to color your way of style. With the quick access and ez payments all you galz have to do is just sit tight and do the 'clicks' =) Thank you for visiting our blog, have fun and get ready for the night! cheers! ~shoppa_holic~

ShoppaGalz - All Galz's Need

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Monday, May 25, 2009


How many times have you been with a guy that just does not get the signals you're sending? Because dudes are dense, but most do have a sense of humor, we suggest picking up the hilarity that are HTTPanties ($8). In this collection, four panties correspond to Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) you may see on the web. While "403 Forbidden" means that you've entered bad territory, "200 OK" means sailing is smooth. Meanwhile, "411 Length Required" and "413 Requested Entity Too Large" absolutely speak for themselves. Trust us, he'll dig these—or two of them at least.


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